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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
7.  Administrator's Notes
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Some notes concerning Package Designer functionality.

System items

Users should not set Overwrite installation option for critical system items, such as database sections (content, layouts, templates, masters, etc.) and system items like system/languages, system/workflows, etc.

Package folder location

You can specify the path where packages are located by modifying the following setting in web.config:

      <setting name="PackagePath" value="$(dataFolder)/packages" />

This path is used both by the installer (it is opened when you click the browse button) and by the packager when it saves packages or generates zips.

Special character issue

If a package contains items with names which don’t satisfy item name rules, the installer will create such items without any warnings.

Users may need to rename them first after installation in order to be able to work with such items.

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